Top 10 Helpful Hair Color Ideas That You Can Use For Dyeing Hair at Home

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One of the fastest ways to have a makeover is to change the color of your hair. The right hair color will enhance your natural beauty. However, picking the wrong one can turn your dream makeover into a disaster. If you want to color your hair on your own, you can do so. But if this is your first time trying this, these hair color ideas can help you achieve the result that you want. Before having your hair colored, you may also want to get a haircut for a complete makeover. Choose one that would best work with the shape of your face. Once done with your haircut, it’s time for some coloring job.

10. Determine If You Belong to the Warm or Cool Tone

10. Determine If You Belong to the Warm or Cool Tone

The first thing you need to consider is if you have a warm or cool tone. There are specific hair colors that look best on these categories. There are various ways on how to determine if you belong to the warm or cool tone. This is through your eye color, skin tone and natural hair color. Those that are under warm tones have hazel, green, turquoise or golden brown eyes. Their skin tone can be ruddy, freckled, brown with pink or golden undertone and pale with gold or peach undertone. The natural color of hair can be golden or strawberry blonde, gray with yellow cast, red and deep brown. If you have two of any of these, then you are under the warm tone. On the other hand, people with cool tones have hazel, dark blue, gray blue, black or dark brown eyes. For the skin tone, it can be tan, bronze, pale with pink undertone or no color on cheeks, medium, true olive and deep dark brown. The natural hair color can be white, medium ash or golden brown, salt and pepper, deep coffee brown and dishwater blonde. If you have two of any of these, then you are under the cool tone.

9. Best and Worse Colors to Choose

extensions colors

After determining the type of tone you fall under, it is time to choose the best color that would look perfect on you. If you are under the cool category, the top picks for you include mink to platinum blonde, black and cool ash brown. Do not use bronze, gold, red or yellow. If you are under the warm category, go for golden blonde, warm gold, auburn, golden brown, chestnut and dark brown. Violet, blue and any ash based colors must be avoided.

8. Go for Trusted Brands

8. Go for Trusted Brands

If you want to make sure that the hair coloring product that you will use is safe, choose trusted brands. They may cost more than other hair products but they are already proven. Your hair is your crowning glory. It is one of the first things that people would notice when they see you. It plays a major part on your overall look. So it is just smart to invest on good products that you will use on your hair. Search online and see the top brands that people use when it comes to hair coloring. You may also ask recommendations from friends that do their hair coloring on their own. Of course, you should seek the advice of those that achieved great result in coloring their hair.

7. Try Washable Hair Coloring Products

7. Try Washable Hair Coloring Products

You don’t need to get a permanent hair color right away. Try washable hair coloring products first so you can determine if you really like the color. If you do not like the color, you can easily change it. Once you found the color that you love, then that’s time that you can go for a permanent or semi-permanent color. The semi-permanent color would not go away in just one wash, though it will not stay as long as the permanent. If you want to keep playing with your hair color every now and then, you may choose semi-permanent.

6. Use Towel or Old Clothing To Protect Your Clothes and Skin

6. Use Towel or Old Clothing To Protect Your Clothes and Skin

If you do not want your clothes or your skin to have stains from the hair coloring product, grab an old towel or old clothes and wrap them on your shoulder. You may also wear clothes that you are ready to dispose. Use gloves as well to protect your hands.

5. Condition Your Hair

5. Condition Your Hair

Wash your hair and use conditioner so the hair color will stick properly on your hair. If it is not properly conditioned, the result may not be as good. This can be compared to painting a wall that is full of cracks. It would be difficult for the paint to attach on the parts with cracks.

4. Divide Hair Into Section

4. Divide Hair Into Section

One of the most common mistakes that first timers do when coloring their hair is to randomly apply the product. Because of this, the hair is not colored evenly. To prevent this from happening, partition your hair so you can apply color evenly on all strands.

3. Do Not Wash Immediately

3. Do Not Wash Immediately

Hair coloring products come with a conditioner that you need to use after dyeing your hair. Check on the label on how long you should wait before washing and applying the said conditioner. However, do not use shampoo immediately. Shampoo your hair after 48 hours for best result. The color has set properly on the hair by this time.

2. Touch Up Roots

2. Touch Up Roots

Your hair would grow an inch after a month. If you want to keep the new color of your hair, touch up on the roots using the same hair color that you used. Follow the same procedures that you did when coloring your hair. Five minutes before washing your hair, comb it from the roots to the end to distribute the color to the rest of the hair, giving a more vibrant and even look.

1. Go to An Expert

1. Go to An Expert

If something goes wrong with your hair coloring, it is recommended that you go to the expert instead of trying to fix it and ending up making it worse. If you are not confident about doing this in the first place, it is always best to leave it to the experts. Go to your favorite hair salon and get the help of a hair professional.


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