Top 10 and More Argumentative Essay Topics for Discussions

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Are you looking for a topic that you need to write about in school? Are you in need of a good topic to debate with your friends? Regardless of need, there are plenty of good argumentative essay topics that are worth discussing. Plenty of issues and concerns are being presented in our society, and most of them need to be given attention. Here are some of the topics you can choose to use which are great in terms of being discussed.

12. Is the Music Industry Dying?

12. Is the Music Industry Dying

With the advent of music piracy and file sharing, the music industry has suffered blows with their profits. What do you have to say about the current state of the industry? Will it be able to redeem itself or are we headed towards the era in which all music is in digital format?

11. Drunk Drivers and the Consequences

11. Drunk Drivers and the Consequences

Unfortunately, people sometimes make the mistake of driving under the influence. If they’re lucky, they won’t get into an accident and just be pulled over by cops. However, in the cases where accidents do happen because of alcohol, lives are often taken. Should the drunk drivers who made mistakes like these be banned for life? Or, should they be given a second chance?

10. The Death Penalty

10. The Death Penalty

This topic has been the choice of debates between friends, clergies, government and random people. Is the penalty of death justified? Do people deserve to die if they have committed atrocious crimes against humanity? While some people say yes, some say no. No matter what your stance is in this case, you can bring up very good points in this topic to defend your case.

9. Abortion

9. Abortion

A very sensitive issue to discuss, abortion has been the topic of many debates for many years. Is it up to the woman to have the choice to carry or abort her child? What are the pros and cons of being pro-choice? Some sectors say that this is against the will of God, while others believe that abortion is murder. Make your stand and defend it by gathering all the facts about this topic.

8. Freedom of Speech

8. Freedom of Speech

In this day and age, the freedom of speech is a loosely used term. Up to which extent does one’s liberty to say anything he wants will stop? Are you allowed to say whatever you want without consequences? You also need to define what the freedom of speech constitutes as well as expound on its limits.

7. The War on Terror

7. The War on Terror

Ever since 9/11, the events that followed gave way for the government to wage the war on terror and basically go to the Middle East and take over. What is your stand on this? Do you believe that the government really just wants peace? Are you with the stand that this war was just a way for the government to take over the oil reserves? Make your point by discussing the facts on whether the war on terror was a fruitful choice or a mistake.

6. Video Games and the Link towards Violence

6. Video Games and the Link towards Violence

Parents have always said that children who play violent video games become violent in real life as well. Do you believe this to be true? If not, present your case with research and facts that have been thoroughly checked. Then if you are with this claim, make sure you place substantiated information about the link between the two.

5. Gun Control

5. Gun Control

In the constitution, it is written that every man has the right to bear arms. However, that being said, ownership of weapons has led to people being killed on a daily basis. What is your stand in this? Are you with those who believe that guns should be illegal, or with those who say that guns are ok but it is the owners that need to be screened? Make your case by presenting the facts.

4. Age Difference in Relationships

4. Age Difference in Relationships

There are plenty of couples that have a huge age difference between them. More often than not, it is men who have relationships with younger women. However, there are also a lot of scenarios in which the woman is older than the male. Does this bother you or are you alright with it? If you believe that relationships should have an age ceiling, explain why. On the other hand, you also need to explain why age does not matter in relationships if that is your case.

3. The Ban on Smoking

3. The Ban on Smoking

Millions of people smoke tobacco and there are people who do not. Yes, smoking is dangerous to your health and the odour may be foul, but is this enough for people who do it to not have the right to smoke where they choose to? Furthermore, is it constitutional to make smoking illegal just to make smokers stop? Make your case by presenting facts about smoking and why it should or should not be illegal.

2. Censorship

2. Censorship

Granted that mainstream media is getting more risqué over time, there are numerous censorships that take effect in mostly everything we see nowadays. Whether it’s banning a specific word on TV or preventing something from being made, censorship is a huge deal. Do you believe censorship is fair? What should and should not be seen by the average individual? Isn’t this limiting the freedom of speech in some ways? Discuss your belief in this essay topic and you will surely get a rise out of your audience.

1. Dieting: Harmful or Helpful?

1. Dieting Harmful or Helpful

When you turn on the TV or read magazines, you will come across different types of diet plans that promise to make you lose weight effectively. However, the safety of dieting is still an ongoing debate. Will it make you lose weight but become unhealthy or is it perfectly safe? What are the diets that do work? There are two sides to this topic and it is up to you which you are going to go for. Just make sure that when you do take a side, thoroughly research on the pros and cons.


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